Parker-Hannifin (PH) Dividend Stock Analysis

Parker-Hannifin Dividend
(updated 1/01/2017)
The Parker-Hannifin dividend has been paid since 1949 and increased for 58 consecutive years; qualifying the company as a Dividend King and Dividend Champion. There is some dispute as to why PH is not included in the Dividend Aristocrat list.
Price: $139.96
Current Dividend: $2.52
Dividend Yield: 1.8%
Cash Dividend Payout: 30%
Market Capitalization: 19 B
Enterprise Value: 20 B
Sector: Industrials
Industry: Diversified Industrials
Parker-Hannifin (PH) is a world leader as a manufacturer of motion systems, flow and process control technologies, filtration & engineering materials (together = 83% of revenues), and aerospace systems (17% of revenues).
Product groups include hydraulics, automation, fluid connectors, instrumentation, filtration, engineered materials, and aerospace. The company operates in the United States and 49 other countries.
SWOT Analysis
Parker-Hannifin’s diversification across many end markets and countries provides greater stability in what can be a cyclical industry. PH controls its distribution system and provides engineering support through 12,000 stores. This creates an economic moat that makes it difficult for competitors to match.
PH competes in a cyclical industry that depends on customers capital expenditure investments. Revenue growth is highly correlated with global GDP growth.
Parker-Hannifin specializes in niche products. The company can use its current superior distribution system to supply high margin value added products to existing customers.
Slowing global growth could have a big impact on Parker-Hannifin’s future growth prospects.
Dividend Analyzer Checklist
(updated November 2016)
Dividend Safety Score (23/33 points)
Dividend Per Share (ttm): $2.52
Dividend Payout Ratio (ttm): 42%
Dividend Per Share (10 Year Growth): 15%
Cash From Operations (CFO) Per Share (ttm): $8.54
CFO Dividend Coverage (CFO / DPS): 3.4 (3/6 points)
Free Cash Flow (FCF) Per Share (ttm): $7.45
FCF Dividend Coverage (FCF / DPS): 3.0 (5/6 points)
Net Financial Debt: $933 M
Total Assets: $12057
Net Financial Debt / Total Assets: 8% (10/12 points)
Net Financial Debt to EBITDA (ttm): 204%
Total Liabilities to Assets Ratio (Qtr.): 62%
Piotroski Score (1-9) (TTM): (5/9 points)
Profitability & Growth Score (11/33 points)
Revenue (10 Year Growth) *CAGR > 4.14%: 1.9% (0/4 points)
EPS Basic Cont. Operations (10 Year Growth) CAGR > 4.14%: 5.3% (4/4 points)
Cash From Operations (10 Year Growth) CAGR > 4.14%: 2.1% (0/6 points)
Operating Earnings Yield (ttm): 7.2% (3/7 points)
Net Income (ttm): $807 M
Gross Profit (ttm): $2537 M
Total Assets: $12057
Gross Profitability Ratio = GP / Total Assets: 21% (4/12 points)
Cash Return On Invested Capital (CROIC)(tttm): 13%
Return on Invested Capital (ROIC): 10%
Return on Invested Capital (ROIC) (5 Year Median): 12%
Return on Invested Capital (ROIC) (10 Year Median): 13%
Valuation Score (21/34 points)
Free Cash Flow Yield (ttm): 6.8% (7/9 points)
EV to EBIT (ttm): 13.8 (5/9 points)
EV to EBITDA (ttm): 11.1 (5/9 points)
PE10: 22.1 (4/7 points)
Price to Sales Ratio (ttm): 1.5
Price to Book Value: 3.6
Price to Earnings Ratio (P/E) (ttm): 20.9
TOTAL POINTS – (55/100) (50 is an average score)
*Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR)
**A Compound Annual Growth Rate of 4.14% = a 50% gain over 10 years.
Dividend Value Builder Newsletter Membership (24 Issues) - $129/Yr.
(updated November 2016)
Type of Investor / Recommendation
Large Diversified Dividend Portfolios / Should Be Considered
Looking For Dividend Kings / Good Option
Looking For Exposure to the Industrial Sector / Average Option
Deep Value Investors / Avoid
Parker-Hannifin (PH) ranks #99 (out of 247) overall and #34 (out of 59) in the Industrial sector by the Dividend Analyzer. PH is a Dividend King, and an innovative company with sound management.
Portfolio Position Disclosures:
DVB Dividend Kings & Aristocrats – None
DVB Dividend Growth – None
DVB High Income – None
Arbor Asset Allocation Model Portfolio (AAAMP) – None
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