Procter & Gamble (PG) Dividend Stock Analysis

Procter & Gamble Dividend (updated 10/14/2016) The Procter & Gamble dividend has been paid since 1891 and increased for 59 consecutive years; qualifying the company as a Dividend King,  Dividend Aristocrat, and Dividend Champion. Price: $88.49 Current......
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Johnson & Johnson (JNJ) Dividend Stock Analysis

Johnson & Johnson Dividend (updated on 9/24/2016) Johnson & Johnson (JNJ)  has paid a dividend since 1963 and increased its dividend for 53 consecutive years; qualifying the company as a Dividend KING, Dividend Aristocrat, and Dividend Champion. Price: $118.83......
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American States Water (AWR) Dividend Stock Analysis

American States Water Dividend (updated on 9/30/2016) American States Water (AWR) has paid a dividend since 1931 and increased its dividend for 61 consecutive years; qualifying the company as a Dividend King and Dividend Champion. Price: $40.05 Current Dividend:......
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