Hormel Foods Dividend Stock Analysis (HRL)

Hormel Foods Dividend (updated 6/16/2017) The Hormel Foods dividend has been paid every year since 1928 and increased for 51 consecutive years; qualifying the company as a Dividend King, Dividend Aristocrat, and Dividend Champion. Price: $33.95 Current Dividend: $0.68......
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Home Depot Dividend Stock Analysis (HD)

Home Depot Dividend (updated 6/09/2017) The Home Depot dividend has been paid since 1993 and increased 6 consecutive years. HD is included in the Arbor Dividend Growers / Producers List. Price: $152.95 Current Dividend: $3.56 Dividend Yield: 2.3% Cash Dividend Payout......
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Dividend Growth Investing – 6 Important Advantages

I’m a big believer in dividend growth investing. Dividends are real; they can’t be faked or created with fraudulent accounting. Dividends and dividend growth rates provide an important indicator of the health and value of a company. What is Dividend Growth Investing?......
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Exxon Mobil (XOM) Dividend Stock Analysis

Exxon Mobil Dividend (updated 2/17/2017) Exxon Mobil (XOM) has paid a dividend since 1911 and increased its dividend for 34 consecutive years; qualifying the company as a Dividend Aristocrat and  Dividend Champion. Price: $81.73 Current Dividend: $3.00 Dividend Yield:......
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AT&T (T) Dividend Stock Analysis

AT&T Dividend (updated 1/27/2017) AT&T (T) has paid a dividend since 1881 and increased its dividend for 33 consecutive years; qualifying the company as a Dividend Aristocrat and Dividend Champion. Price: $42.01 Current Dividend: $1.96 Dividend Yield: 4.7%......
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Archer-Daniels Midland (ADM) Dividend Stock Analysis

Archer-Daniels Midland Dividend (updated 1/14/2017) Archer-Daniels Midland (ADM) has paid a dividend since 1927 and increased its dividend for 39 consecutive years; qualifying the company as a Dividend Aristocrat & Dividend Champion. Price: $43.56 Current......
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