General Electric (GE) Stock Analysis
The Dividend Value Builder no longer covers General Electric (GE) due to its unsuitability for Dividend Investors.
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General Electric Dividend
(updated 1/11/2019)
General Electric has paid a dividend since 1899, but lost much of its exemplary reputation when it slashed the dividend by 67% in 2008. The company cut its dividend a second time in 2017 and a third in 2018.
Price: $8.92
Current Dividend Annualized: $0.04
Dividend Yield: 0.4%
Normalized Diluted Earnings Per Share (TTM): $-0.01
Cash Flow From Operations (CFO) Per Share (TTM): $0.82
Free Cash Flow Per Share (TTM): $-0.07
Market Capitalization: $78 B
Enterprise Value: $147 B
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